Wednesday, August 5, 2009

How to Let Go of That One Love

Hard to let go...

Have you ever had a first love? No, not like the kid who passed you the crayons in kindergarten. But that person that you had fun with and didn't want to let go of. Ever found yourself crying to the Backstreet Boy "Incomplete?" Ever gotten tired of it and tried to let go but couldn’t, because you always wanted them there when no one else was; when it rains, when you were sad, or when you were scared?

  1. Get rid of material things that remind you of that person - everything but your memories (memories can help you laugh when you’re sad).
  2. Get closer to family (it's not the kind of love you want but it is the kind you need).
  3. Talk about him/her to parents, counselors, or that friend that’s been there for you. They can be trusted and they will always hold you up when you want to fall and cry!
  4. Know that you are not alone. It's one of life's hard lessons. Try to learn from it and strengthen yourself for having had the experience. After all, it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.
  5. Volunteer. Help others - it'll keep you active and take your mind off things.
  6. Study or work harder. Study is a great place to lose yourself and get ahead. And it will focus your thoughts on greater promises for the future.

• Surround yourself with fun or comforting situation

• Watch out for sad love songs and get rid of your bad feelings - it's okay to feel bad but don't let it control you so that you end up wallowing all the time; you'll lose friends that way and spoil things for yourself

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