Monday, October 19, 2009

Why is it always the bad memories that hang around in your head?

It’s always the worst memories the stupid ones, the ones that give you such a bad feeling that you want to just carve away at yourself and the thoughts go round and round and always seem to be there when you’re laying in bed in the shower on the bus at any moment that you get quiet time it always recures and most of the time it’s the same thought again and again then when it becomes an accepted thought there is always another to take it’s place, it’s messed up why? I sit at school thinking about strange things all the time and can’t stop, then people remind me then i have more than one in my head i wish i could stop but i just think all the time i feel depressed but i don’t have clinical depression i haven’t talked to anyone and i don’t plan to because all i’ll do is deny and lie everything i’m pretty sure i’m some kind of scitzo cause i always argue with my own thoughts and i know that i’m doing it i say one thing then think another and then think again to contridict that then again and again till i have a rolling conversation in my head i’ve given up on caring about myself now i seriously am a stuck up shit that no one likes or could ever like suicide is still a recuring thought i just hate myself. Life isn’t worth living but i guess i’ll have to try so i don’t upset my family.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

~Sad Love Letters From Someone~

You haven't been around much lately. So many things have been happening with me, and I've really needed to talk to you.

The other day when I saw you I so badly just wanted to run into your arms. Everything inside of me was screaming out for you, calling you, but you didn't hear or see me. You looked happy, you seem happy without me. When we do talk you always seem so far away, like you've got nothing to say to me anymore

I miss you, I really do. Everyday I wait to hear from you. Everyday I hope and pray we could talk like we used to, but everyday I'm left alone and disappointed. Its not your fault that you have a life and that your busy, I understand we cant always talk, but is half an hour out of your day too much to ask? Is an off-line message or SMS too much to ask?

You don't understand whats been happening with me, you don't know what I'm going through. To be honest I don't know whats going on with you either, and it hurts me. I'm supposed to be the most important person in your life, but at the moment I don't feel like I am. I feel like I am an after thought. Surely I mean more to you than that? I don't know what to say anymore.

Sometimes I feel like running away and trying to forget about you and everything else until I eventually just die.I know there is something very wrong with me, but do you know that? Do you know that I'm not going to be here forever?

I don't think you need me as much as you say you do anymore. Maybe there was a time when you would die without me but now, your living you life and I don't seem to be apart of it anymore. I still love you, I have and always will love you. I'm trying so hard to be with you but I feel like I'm the only one trying. I need you, I really need you to be here.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

I Stay In Love

Baby, I stay in love with you
Dying inside 'cause I can't stand it
Make or break up
Can't take this madness
We don't even really know why
All I know is baby
I try and try so hard
To keep our love alive

If you don't know me at this point
Then I highly doubt you ever will
I really need you to give me
That unconditional love I used to feel
It's a mistake if we just erase it
From our hearts and minds and I know

We said let go
But I kept on hanging on
Inside I know it's over
You're really gone
It's killing me
'cause there ain't nothing
That I can do
Baby, I stay in love with you
And I keep on telling myself
That you'll come back around
And I try to front like "Oh well"
Each time you let me down
See I can't get over you now
No matter what I do
But baby,
I stay in love with you

It cuts so deep
It hurts down to my soul
My friends tell me
I ain't the same no more
We still need each other
When we stumble and fall
How we gonna act
Like what we had
Ain't nothin' at all now

Hey, what I wanna do is
Ride shotgun next to you
With the top down like we used to
Hit the block
Proud in the SUV
We both know our heart is breaking
Can we learn from our mistakes
I can't last one moment alone
Now go I know

I stay in love

Afgan – Bukan Cinta Biasa (OST Bukan Cinta Biasa)

Kali ini kusadari
Aku telah jatuh cinta
Dari hatiku terdalam
Sungguh aku cinta padamu

Cintaku bukanlah cinta biasa
Jika kamu yang memiliki
Dan kamu yang temaniku seumur hidupku

Terimalah pengakuanku
Percayalah kepadaku
Semua ini kulakukan
Karena kamu memang untukku

Cinta ku bukan cinta biasa
Jika kamu yang menemani
Dan kamu yang temaniku seumur hidupku
Terimalah pengakuanku

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Semenjak kau pergi
Setiap hari
Setiap detik kau di hati
Dan begitulah ia selamanya

Walaupun berkali kau meluka hatiku
Dengan kata tingkahlaku
Sentiasa sedia menerima saja
Tanda ketulusan cinta
Namun cintamu tak begitu hanya sementara
Padaku entah mengapa ku masih setia
Mengharapkan dikau kembali merealisasi
Kerna kau sahaja penawar.

Mentari tak bersinar
Malam hilang serinya
Burung tak ceria seperti dulu
Seakan memahami kedukaanku ini
Jiwaku kekosongan dan pilu
Ku kehilanganmu
Ku kehilangan dirimu

Lihatlah sayang
Ku disini menanti
Apa segala terjadi
Kemari kasih kerna kau harapanku
Tak terdaya lebih rindu

Musim berganti dan berlalu
Dimanakah dirimu
Bagaikan memberitahu ku tak kau perlu
Walaupun apa sedarilah
Ku masih menyinta
Kembali semula segera

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sign Of A Broken Love

Tidak mudah untuk memutuskan hubungan dengan pasangan, apalagi anda sudah terlalu sayangkan dia. Cinta memang buta tapi terkadang logika harus digunakan untuk melihat apakah dia memang layak dipertahankan.

Ada beberapa kriteria lelaki yang perlu anda putuskan :-

Terlalu banyak alasan.
Dia secara tiba-tiba menghilang tanpa sebab. Saat anda menelefonnya, beribu alasan dikemukakannya, hingga pada akhirnya anda yang disalahkan kerana tidak mengerti dirinya. Pokoknya dia tidak jujur kepada anda, jadi untuk apa dipertahankan?

Tidak memberi perhatian lagi.
Pada awalnya, dia tidak memerhatikan sesuatu hal yang baru dalam kehidupan anda. Tapi lama kelamaan, dia tidak pernah hadir saat anda memerlukannya. Saat anda sakit, dia tidak pernah menjenguk atau bahkan menelefon. Kalau keadaannya seperti ini, anda seperti tidak memiliki pasangan saja kan? Jadi masih ingin dipertahankan?

Sering membatalkan janji.
Jika dia sering membatalkan janji secara sepihak, selalu datang terlambat dan tidak memberikan alasan yang jelas atau bahkan meminta maaf. Hal ini berarti dia tidak menghargai anda.

Sudah pasti anda akan merasa sakit hati, bila mengetahui pasangan sedang bercanda dengan perempuan lain. Apalagi setelah anda melihatnya, dia tidak meminta maaf. Seharusnya dia harus anda lupakan saja...

Egois dan kasar.
Apabila dia lebih mementingkan teman-temannya daripada anda, sedangkan anda tidak boleh bergaul dengan teman-teman anda, tandanya egois. Dia tidak mempedulikan perasaan anda, dia herdik dan kasar kepada anda di depan teman-temannya. Sebaiknya anda fikirkan kembali, apakah dia patut dipertahankan?

Tapi sebelum anda memutuskannya, sebaiknya anda bincangkan dulu kepadanya tentang hal yang tidak anda sukai. Apakah dia mau berubah atau tidak? Jika tidak ada perubahan sama sekali dalam sikap dan perlakukannya, sebaiknya anda say goodbye saja.

11 Rules In Dating Relationship....

1. Beriman

Untuk menjadi pasangan yang lebih baik, kunci pertama adalah menguatkan iman anda sendiri. Dengan adanya pasangan yang beriman, maka pasti hubungan cinta antara kedua pasangan akan mencapai titik yang maksimum.

2. Jangan ‘minder’ dan selalu mengenang masa lalu

Janganlah bersikap minder terhadap pasangan anda. Bila anda pernah membuat suatu kesalahan dimasa lalu , jangan selalu dikenang atau diingat. Berfikirlah positif. Bila anda minder, sama saja anda mengatakan bahwa anda tidak sepadan untuk pasangan anda. Bila anda tidak percaya diri, bahwa anda adalah pasangan yang sepadan untuk dia, maka anda akan benar-benar menjadi pasangan yang tidak sepadan.

3. Romantis

Ketika suatu hubungan cinta mulai mengalami keretakan, tanda pertama yang terlihat adalah mulai berpudarnya romantisme antara pasangan. Umumnya pasangan yang akan retak melupakan bagaimana senangnya ketika pertama kali mereka menjalin hungan tersebut. Suatu hubungan cinta adalah sesuatu yang harus terus menerus dibina dan bersikap romantis dalam membina hubungan tersebut adalah mutlak.

4. Jangan membuat sesuatu hanya kerana ingin membahagiakan pasangan anda

Berapa kalikah anda pernah mengerjakan sesuatu untuk pasangan anda yang sebenarnya tidak ingin anda lakukan, tapi tetap anda lakukan kerana ingin membuat pasangan anda bahagia.. Bagaimana perasaan anda ketika mengerjakan hal tersebut? Setiap kali anda membuat kompromi atas sikap anda tersebut, anda memperlebar jurang hubungan cinta anda. Sebaiknya anda secara jujur mengatakan pada pasangan anda bahawa anda kurang senang mengerjakan hal tersebut, dan mencari alternatif lain untuk mengatasinya bersama.

5. Jangan paksa pasangan anda untuk melakukan hal-hal yang dia kurang senangi

Ini adalah kebalikan dari tip diatas. Kalau anda tahu pasangan anda kurang senang melakukan sesuatu hal, mengapa dipaksakan… ..??

6. Jangan merendahkan pasangan anda

Tidak ada manusia yang sempurna didunia ini. Masing2 mempunyai daya fikir, kerja dan daya tahan tersendiri. Bila anda selalu merendahkan pasangan anda dengan menyalahkan apa saja yang dia salah lakukan, bagaimana anda akan berharap dia akan berbuat benar?

7. Jangan memberi janji yang anda tidak mampu penuhi

Kepercayaan adalah hal penting pada suatu hubungan cinta. Kepercayaan harus dibina dan dikembangkan. Bila anda tidak memenuhi janji anda pada pasangan anda, bagaimana pasangan anda akan percaya pada anda pada masa yang akan datang?

8. Usahakan untuk selalu berada disisinya

Pasangan anda merupakan teman anda untuk seumur hidup… .Usahakan untuk berada disisinya baik dalam suka maupun duka… .

9. Komunikasi

Dunia berubah dari hari ke hari. Bila anda tidak terus menerus berkomunikasi dengan pasangan anda, anda akan terkejut apabila pada suatu hari anda baru menyadari bahwa jurang perbezaan antara anda berdua telah semakin lebar.

10. Jangan berlaku kasar dan semena-mena terhadap pasangan anda

Cukup jelas…
Hormatilah pasangan anda sebagaimana anda menghormati manusia lainnya. Jangan sampai anda lebih menghormati teman anda daripada menghormati pasangan anda.

11. Jujurlah selalu

Biasanya suatu hubungan cinta tidak akan berlangsung lama apabila dibangun dan didasari atas kebohongan. Walaupun pasangan anda tidak pernah mengetahui kebohongan yan tersimpan, tetapi fakta bahwa anda mengetahui kebohongan itu, akan mempengaruhi perasaan anda maupun pasangan anda. Dengan itu, hubungan cinta tak akan mencapai titik yang maksimum.

The Truth Of Most Men's Heart...

1. Bila awak cakap dengan lembut, saya tak mampu mengelak dari memberikan perhatian.

2. Kadangkala awak perlu katakan “tidak” kepada saya. Bukanlah selalu, tetapi ini akan mengingatkan kepada saya bahawa awak ni seorang yang “mahal dan berharga”.

3. Tolonglah jangan tanya saya bagaimana rupa awak, kecuali bila awak benar-benar akan percaya jawapan saya nanti.

4. Bila awak rasa suka dan bahagia bersama saya, saya akan rasa lebih banyak lagi ingin membahagiakan awak.

5. Kalau saya rasa tidak dapat membuatkan awak suka dan bahagia, saya rasa seolah-olah bukan lelaki sebenar dan sejati.

6. Saya harap sangat awak dah bersiap dan bersedia bila saya tiba untuk menjemput awak.

7. Saya takut sekiranya saya membenarkan wanita berada di dalam hati saya, kemungkinan dia akan mengambil kesempatan.

8. Mungkin awak arif tentang fesyen, tetapi saya sangat berharap awak berpakaian untuk mengambil hati saya, bukan untuk menunjuk kepada wanita lain.

9. Kalau saya bercakap tentang golf dan awak nampaknya macam “boring” jer, kan elok kalau awak cuba ingat pada setiap masa awak bercakap, saya sentiasa mendengar dan beri perhatian tentang perkara yang penting pada awak.

10. Kalau awak sendiri tak percaya yang awak ni cantik, awak takkan percaya bila saya cakap perkara yang sama, tak kiralah berapa banyak pun saya katakan.

Special Message For My Future WiFe....

Permata (Untuk Isteriku)

Telah ku siapkan satu daerah paling sunyi
Dalam hati ini untuk kau isi sebagai isteri
Untuk kau penuhi dengan kemuliaan seorang wanita
Untuk kau beri erti dengan kelembutan
Untuk kau hargai dengan kasih sayang

Ku ingin kau jadi wanita mulia
Yang tahu harga budi dan hati
Seorang lelaki bernama suami

Kerana engkau isteri
Ku ingin kau mengerti bahawa hidup ini
Tak semudah yang kita janjikan
Yang kita janjikan
Kerana kau isteriku

Tahukah Anda Wahai Lelaki?

Tahukah kau wahai suami dan bakal suami?? Laki bini ini asalnya 2 individu asing yang saling tidak mengenali. Atas takdir tuhan dipertemukan dan aqad nikah telah menyatukan kita.
TAPI.......tahukah kau apa yang isterimu selalu lakukan untukmu,dan fikirlah sejenak apa pula yang kau berikan untuknya...

KALA kau tiada duit, bukankah magic david copperfield bila tiba2 kau buka wallet ada duit pulak di dalamnya, tahukah kau yang isterimu sentiasa curi2 membuka wallet untuk mengecek " Ada duitkah suamiku?"

TAPI Bila kau ada duit, wah! wah! kau siap boleh tanya lagi bini kau " Ada duit ke?" sedangkan itukan kewajipan kau untuk memberinya nafkah?

Tahukah kau wahai suami, tiap2 malam isterimu akan terbangun dari tidurnya dan perkara pertama yang diingat ialah suaminya, lantas terus si isteri menjenguk suaminya di sebelah, di kucup dahi suaminya, diusap rambutnya, penuh kasih sayang dan belas kasihan

TAPI yang kau berinya hanyalah dengkuran kadang2 siap kentut lagi..Cissss! !

Tahukah kau wahai suami, kalau kau balik lewat malam sampai jam 4-5 pagi atas alasan kerja atau kau suka2 nak lepak ngan kawan2, bini kau yang dirumah tu tak lena tidur, selagi kau tak balik selagi tulah mata tak leh pejam

TAPI yang kau tahu bersembang aje sampai pagi, langsung tak ingat bini, dahlah balik lambat esoknya selagi tak masuk Zohor tak reti2 nak bangun, dah bangun tahu nak makan aje...

Tahu tak kau wahai suami, setiap kali isteri mu menggosok bajumu apa yang sentiasa terlintas di fikirannya ialah "Handsome tak laki aku bila pakai baju ni?"

Tapi kau bila dah hansome sikit mula hidung tinggi nak mengorat lagi...

Tahu tak kau wahai suami, isteri tu tak mintak banyak, cuma pujilah dia sekali-sekala, peluklah dia setiap pagi dan malam sebelum tidur peluk yang setakat pelukan sayang sahaja..bukan dengan harapan dapat "apa-apa", hadiahkanlah dia sekali-sekala walaupun setakat coklat sekeping, picitlah bahunya sekali-sekala dan kalau nak tidur tu, selimutkanlah dia, sebab sebenarnya, bini tu selagi laki dia tak lelap mata dia hanya tidur2 ayam sahaja...


Satu lagi, suami, kalau korang nak tahu, sebaik sahaja saksi kata SAH!!!! tuhan tu telah kurniakan 6, 7, 8 senses kat isteri sebab itulah diaorang tahu korang buat apa kat belakang dia, tak yah guna spy...diaorang musti tahu punya....

Hargailah bini dan bakal bini korang, sebagaimana korang hargai kereta korang, PS2 korang dan lain-lain..

Orang bijak adalah dia yang hari ini mengerjakan apa yang orang lain akan mengerjakannya tiga hari kemudian ..

JumPa AnDa Di PunCak KeJaYaaN bersama KeSeJahTeRaaN!

Pengajaran ayat: Perkahwinan itu satu perkara yang mulia, Mengapa mesti kita mengelakkannya. Ia adalah satu fitrah bagi manusia, kalau tak sanggup, manusiakah KITA. Jangan risau jika kita tak dapat isteri yang solehah, kerana Allah telah berjanji, perempuan
yg soleh hanya utk lelaki yg soleh...Kalau kita sbg lelaki tak soleh...jgn harap dapat bini yg soleh....Syukur apa yg telah dikurniakan.

Tak semua perempuan itu BAIK, tapi baikkah kita nak dapat perempuan yg baik...???

Kalau kita mengorat perempuan memang tak baik, tapi kalau kita tak berusaha nak cari isteri; Ada can ker bini itu TURUN dari langit.....

Kita tak suka perigi mencari timba...Perempuan jenis apakah itu??? Siti Khadijah pun perempuan mcm itu; Hinakah dia??????

Allah telah mengutuskan perempuan utk lelaki...bukannya kita perlu hidup dgn sendiri....

Mungkin rezeki tidak ada untuk kita memulakan alam perkahwinan... Tanpa usaha , rezeki itu memang tidak ada....

Syabas kpd sesiapa yg melangkah ke gerbang perkahwinan, yg tidak, ANDA sesungguhnya berada dalam kerugian....


"My Happy Ending" ~Avril Lavigne~

So much for my happy ending
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

Let's talk this over
It's not like we're dead
Was it something I did?
Was it something You said?
Don't leave me hanging
In a city so dead
Held up so high
On such a breakable thread

You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be

You were everything, everything that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

You've got your dumb friends
I know what they say
They tell you I'm difficult
But so are they
But they don't know me
Do they even know you?
All the things you hide from me
All the shit that you do

You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be

It's nice to know that you were there
Thanks for acting like you cared
And making me feel like I was the only one
It's nice to know we had it all
Thanks for watching as I fall
And letting me know we were done

Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...
So much for my happy ending

Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

Golf Also Works For Health

Golf has always been a popular sport among many different people. It is often associated with executive businessmen and while it is true that golf is a particularly popular choice with many businessmen, it is also popular in other walks of life. There are a number of good reasons to take up golf but the only real way to find out if it is a good choice for you is to give it a chance. Golf is a healthy sport. As well as getting you out in the fresh air it also exercises the heart, the lungs and many muscles when you are walking round the course. It may not seem much, but playing a round of golf every week is a very good way of helping to prevent heart disease and other illnesses. GolfGolf is also a good way to socialize. Visiting the clubhouse after a round of golf gives you the opportunity to meet new people and chat to friends about how your round went and your life in general. As another aspect of this, it also gives you the opportunity to network if you are a businessman.

The modern golf game is centered on perfect shots, scientific practice and ability. Gone are the days of wearing plus fours and cloth caps and in are the days of larger heads, metal woods and graphite shafts. While talent and ability are obviously the most important factors, there is certainly a lot of equipment around that claims to improve different aspects of your game.

In India you can play golf almost anywhere and courses are often set against dramatic backgrounds. In the hills and in the high Himalayas, in metropolitan cities and in small towns, by lakes and forests, or surrounded by tea estates, out in the desert and in old British cantonments. You can stroll off the course to share a cup of piping hot tea at a nearby `dhaba`, tree top from the highest 18-hole course in the world, watch a peacock dance on the green or play on a course that is enriched by old monuments and beautiful buildings. In India, playing golf will enable you to experience the country in a unique manner.

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A Successful Weight-Loss System Researched By University Experts

You may have heard of the 'Mediterranean Diet'. It is well known to be one of the healthiest eating regimes known to man as well as an effective and powerful deterrent against heart disease, cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.

What you might not know is that if applied in the correct way this type of diet can also be used as an extremely effective means of losing weight - and a lot of it!!

Losing weight AND improving your health at the same time? Unheard of - until now!

Unlike 'fad' diets which are primarily designed for extreme weight-loss, the Mediterranean Diet actually works WITH your metabolism to achieve long-term and permanent results. The speed that you lose weight could be slightly slower but the end result is MUCH better.

Diets such as the 'Atkins' or the 'Cabbage Soup', apart from being dangerously unhealthy, have been shown to make the dieter lose water rather than actual fat - this can be extremely counter-productive.

If weight is lost too quickly there can be up to a 6% loss of muscle tissue as well as any fat or water lost. As a result, when the weight eventually returns - and it always does - more fat actually replaces the lost muscle which means the dieter will end up being fatter than he was before!!

To lose weight effectively, the method has to be realistic and according to research carried out by Harvard University, the Mediterranean Diet is the solution.

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Also Visit :

The Mediterranean Diet

“The secrets of long-term weight reduction and disease prevention”.

The Mediterranean diet’ is probably the most realistic and safest way not only to lose weight, but to also help prevent serious diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

There have been countless studies on this type of diet by scientists keen to discover why heart problems and obesity are so low in the countries that border the Mediterranean Sea.

This nutritional concept includes a high consumption of fruit, vegetables and grains, a medium consumption of olive oil, fish and white meat and a low consumption of red meat, dairy products and saturated fats. Red wine also plays a part in some versions of this diet as it contains powerful anti-oxidants called ‘polyphenols’ which offer protection against cardiovascular diseases. In fact the ‘American Heart Association’ refers to the ‘Mediterranean Diet’ as the ‘gold standard’ in heart disease prevention.

The most important element in this diet is ‘olive oil’ which acts as a healthy substitute for commonly used saturated fats such as butter and margarine. Studies by various institutions including ‘The Harvard School of Public Health’ have discovered that olive oil contains extremely beneficial properties which can lower the risk of coronary heart disease by reducing blood cholesterol levels.

This research also found that patients with ‘hypertension’ who purposely switched to a diet with a high olive oil consumption were able to reduce their ‘anti-hypertensive’ drug dose by up to 50%!!

Olive oil is also thought to lead to a reduced risk of some cancers and even diabetes.

One of the other key aspects of the ‘Mediterranean Diet’ is the low consumption of dairy products such as cheese, cream and milk. The belief for instance that cows’ milk is beneficial as it contains calcium is far from the truth. Research has shown that as the calcium in cows’ milk is pasteurized, it is therefore inorganic meaning it becomes largely unusable in the human body. Did you also realize that full fat milk is mainly made up of puss cells? Vegetables, especially root vegetables are much better sources of calcium.

A diet low in dairy products will not only make you feel less lethargic, it will boost your energy and improve the condition of your skin. This will obviously be beneficial to those who suffer from skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema.

The ‘Mediterranean Diet’ is without doubt the only option you should consider in any effort to lose weight. Many popular diets like those of the ‘high-protein’ variety are extremely harmful and although they sometimes succeed in delivering their promises of ‘shedding weight’, the chances of keeping this weight off are very unlikely. Extreme dietary modifications are impractical - if not impossible - for most people to maintain on a long-term basis.

Due to the fact the majority of these diets do not even incorporate a consistent or stable eating program, the noticeable reduction in weight is actually the body’s loss of water rather than actual fat.

If weight is lost too quickly there can also be up to a 6% loss of muscle tissue along with any fat lost. If the weight is then re-gained, MORE fat replaces the lost muscle. This usually means you will eventually become FATTER after finishing the diet!

The simple fact is, if you want to successfully lose weight for the long-term and protect yourself from illness, the ‘Mediterranean Diet’ is the diet for you!

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10 Ways To Stay Healthy

If you wish to enjoy the pleasures of life, you have to stay healthy. To stay healthy you have to give up certain undesirable habits and maintain discipline in your eating and living habits. Given below are the ten commandments of staying healthy.

1.Do not smoke and avoid smokers? It is an established fact that the risk factor of getting lung cancer and heart attack due to smoking is extremely high. With over 300,000 Americans dying every year due to lung cancer, it makes sense to quit smoking and to avoid smokers, as passive smoking is as dangerous as active smoking. Did you know that nearly three quarters of the deaths caused by emphysema and bronchitis are the direct results of smoking? If you are a smoker, you should stop smoking right away.

2.Take balanced nutritious diet and maintain your Body Mass Index (BMI) between 18.5 and 24.8?Your body needs vitamins, proteins, minerals, and carbohydrates in the right proportion through a balanced diet. This will maintain the right weight, lessen the fat in your body, minimize the aging process, improve the immune and cardiovascular system, and regulate sugar and cholesterol levels. It will also prevent the BMI from going up as a high BMI indicates extra weight, which is very risky.

3.Stay away from alcohol?Alcohol harms the central nervous system and the heart functions, causes stomach ailments, damages the liver, and can cause blackouts. The biggest risk of taking alcohol is that you can get addicted to it leading to many health risks. You should avoid alcohol if you want to lead a healthy life.

4.Daily exercise is essential?A minimum of 10 to 15 minutes of exercise every day is required for good health and for avoiding many diseases. You should walk at least 5000 steps daily. In your daily activities, you should avoid elevators and walk up the stairs. Instead of walking, you should do some running.

5.Get enough sleep at night?It is very important to sleep right as a good night?s sleep will rejuvenate you. Without proper sleep, the above tips will prove futile.

6.Get all your vaccinations?Your body is exposed to illnesses all the time. In order to build up the body?s immune system so that antibodies are produced to fight these illnesses, vaccines are required. It is, therefore, essential to get all of the vaccinations.

7.Use the correct condoms?Find the right condom, as there are many shapes, sizes, and colors available.

8.Visit the doctor regularly?Visiting the doctor regularly will allow an early diagnosis of any ailment so that it can be treated more easily.

9.Recognize your body symptoms and signs: It is essential to know your body as the signs and symptoms it shows are indicative of impending diseases. As such, you should be able to recognize these symptoms so that corrective measures can be taken on time.

10.Stick to your therapy: People infected with HIV have a new lease of life with the Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART). However, there are some problems also. Successful treatment requires strict compliance to your regimen. The above tips will help you.

It is not difficult to follow the above suggestions. All that you need is a little bit of determination and discipline to get on the road to good health.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

How to Let Go of That One Love

Hard to let go...

Have you ever had a first love? No, not like the kid who passed you the crayons in kindergarten. But that person that you had fun with and didn't want to let go of. Ever found yourself crying to the Backstreet Boy "Incomplete?" Ever gotten tired of it and tried to let go but couldn’t, because you always wanted them there when no one else was; when it rains, when you were sad, or when you were scared?

  1. Get rid of material things that remind you of that person - everything but your memories (memories can help you laugh when you’re sad).
  2. Get closer to family (it's not the kind of love you want but it is the kind you need).
  3. Talk about him/her to parents, counselors, or that friend that’s been there for you. They can be trusted and they will always hold you up when you want to fall and cry!
  4. Know that you are not alone. It's one of life's hard lessons. Try to learn from it and strengthen yourself for having had the experience. After all, it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.
  5. Volunteer. Help others - it'll keep you active and take your mind off things.
  6. Study or work harder. Study is a great place to lose yourself and get ahead. And it will focus your thoughts on greater promises for the future.

• Surround yourself with fun or comforting situation

• Watch out for sad love songs and get rid of your bad feelings - it's okay to feel bad but don't let it control you so that you end up wallowing all the time; you'll lose friends that way and spoil things for yourself

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Sunday, August 2, 2009

How to live a healthy life

  1. Step 1

    1.Drink Alcohol in Moderation: If you choose to drink alcohol, the key to a healthy lifestyle is moderation

    -Known the alcohol content of different drinks
    -DO NOT mix alcohol and drugs
    -DO NOT Drink and Drive
    -DO NOT drink if pregnant
    -DO NOT make drinking a habit

  2. Step 2

    2. Check Up on Your Health: The key to staying well and living long is catching a problem before they become serious

    -Get regular medical checkups
    -Ask about immunization: Women planning pregnancies should review their immunization status before conceiving. If you are over age 65 - you may need to immunization for INFLUENZA and PNEUMONIA.

  3. Step 3

    3. Eat Healthfully: A proper diet can help prevent illness

    -Select foods with important nutrients
    -Protein: 15% of calories
    -Carbohydrates: 50% of calories
    -Fats: less than 30% of calories
    -Fibers: 25 - 30g daily
    -Vitamins and minerals: A, B6, C, D, calcium, sodium, iron ...
    -Watch calories
    -Eat unprocessed foods
    -Drink plenty of water
    -Watch fat and cholesterol
    -Reduce salts and sugars
    -Get into good eating habits

  4. Step 4

    4. Prevent Drug Abuse

    -Learn about ANY drug you take!
    -Avoid drug abuse situations
    -Use medication ONLY as directed

  5. Step 5

    5. Exercise

    -Begin an exercise program
    -Choose a workout that you enjoy
    -Begin gradually
    -Use the right equipment
    -Exercise the entire body
    -Warmup before and cool down after
    -Make working out a habit: write down your workouts and set goals!
    -Find an exercise partner
    -DONT workout every day; break up your workouts with a day off in between

  6. Step 6

    6. Stay Safe

    -Protect yourself when playing any sport
    -Wear sunblock when outdoors
    -Accident proof your home; CLEAN UP THE CLUTTER!
    -Wear a seat belt
    -Practice safe sex
    -Have a list of emergency phone numbers

  7. Step 7

    7. Get Good Sleep

    -Exercise and eat right; Just not before you go to sleep
    -Limit caffeine intake
    -STOP smoking
    -Avoid drinking a "nightcap"
    -Make your sleeping environment as quiet and comfortable as possible
    -Put your mind at ease

  8. Step 8

    8. Manage Stress

    -Identify the problem
    -Practice relaxation techniques
    -Use medications if needed
    -Change the way you behave; think positive not negative

  9. Step 9

    9. Avoid Tobacco

    -DO NOT start
    -Teach your children
    -Set a quit date and stick to it!
    -Become smoke-free in your home

  10. Step 10

    10. Control your weight

    -Strike a balance between calories you take in and calories you burn
    -Eat Less
    -Eat small and sensible portions
    -Avoid fats and grease
    -Avoid eating late at night: THIS IS A BIG ONE!
    -Be patient

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How to Cope with Work-related Stress

A Yale University study found 29 percent of workers feel "quite a bit or extremely stressed at work." Job stress is something we all employees face, and each of us handles that stress differently. Stress does not have to be a negative thing, and learning how to cope with and manage stress is imperative to maximizing our job performance, prioritizing safety on the job and maintaining physical and mental health.
Here are several step that might work on you.

Instructions :
  1. Step 1

    Know the symptoms of job stress. These are not limited to, but may include apathy, negativism/cynicism, low morale, boredom, anxiety, frustration, fatigue, depression, alienation, anger/irritability, physical problems (headaches, stomach problems) and absenteeism.

  2. Step 2

    Maintain your perspective. While jobs are disposable, your friends, family and health aren't. If an employer's expectations are taking a toll on you, start looking for a new job/new employer.

  3. Step 3

    Alter your existing job. If you enjoy working for your employer but your job has become too stressful, or even to monotanous, ask your supervisor adjusting your job to fit to your skills.

  4. Step 4

    Take a break. If you're having an especially bad day and can feel the tension mounting, get away for a bit. Take a walk outside to get some fresh air while removing yourself from the negative situation. Finding some quiet, meditative time, even if for five or ten minutes, can reduce stress.

  5. Step 5

    Talk it out. A great way to reduce stress is to talk it out, or "vent" to someone you're close to. Hearing yourself describe your concerns aloud may help you think about a new solution to your problem, and sharing your frustrations with someone else may reinforce the importance of seeking change to resolve the issues.

  6. Step 6

    Develop an ally or two at work. Knowing that others in your situation "get it" can create camaraderie and relief.

  7. Step 7

    Maintain a positive attitude, and stay away from those who exhibit negativity.

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Overcome Self Doubt-Lack of Confidence, Courage and Can't Do it Attitude

Perky Personality, positive attitude, perpetually happy? Is that how others see me? Well, it is not true, by a long shot.

When a friend commented that I seemed more pensive and less perky than usual, she was actually a little annoyed that I could be down in the dumps, concerned or even doubting my self.

It is important that you and she know that no matter how confident you are, life has bumps and disappointments and down days. You have a right to a self-pity party occasionally.

Law of Attraction or Law of Whatever

No matter what the Law of Attraction Gurus say; You can't always think happy thoughts. And if you worry that a cranky thought today will result in adverse reactions tomorrow, you can drive yourself crazy with guilt.

Some Reasons for Self Doubt

  • Things are not working out as we planned.
  • Life is harder than we thought.
  • Some people lie and cheat and steal and we "should" have known.
  • Our hormones make us vulnerable.
  • Medications interact and cause side effects of delusional thoughts
  • We fall back into old habits of seeing others in the best of lights and us in the worst of lights.
  • We forget to count our blessing and recognize how far we have come and how much we have accomplished so far.

Overcome Self Doubt

  • Get off your butt and do something. Anything, even cleaning out a drawer. But finish it completely. Unfinished projects eat away at your mind and confidence. It does not have to be perfect, it has to be done.
  • Stop thinking about yourself so much and focus on helping someone else. Go to the food pantry and stock shelves or drop off a bag of rice.
  • Don't take everything personally. Really and truly, the world, God and the Universe is not out to get you. You are an important part of the universe, but not the center. Most people are way too focused on their own problems to judge you and yours.
  • Laugh. Giggle. Smile. I dare you to smile for three minutes (the time of a song on the radio) and still think negative thoughts.
  • Remember, as Shakespeare or Gomer Pyle or Confusions or somebody smart said: "The rain falls on the just and the unjust" And as my grandson says "crap happens sometimes. Doesn't mean you are crap."

Just writing this article made me feel better. Taking action of some kind can help overcome self doubt and build self confidence. I recommend you smile, do something and think of all the things you can do. Of course I have been smiling for three minutes because I know you are too.

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